Article written by Karyn Allen
Today’s real estate market is reshaping the face of America. There are factors like the current war in Iraq, job cuts and gas prices that are affecting the American way of life. According to, the number of foreclosures in this country was up 14 percent in the second Quarter of 2008. In addition, the foreclosure filings were 8 percent higher in the month of July, from the previous month of June. In contrast, The National Association of Realtors (, forecasts that “existing-home sales is likely to rise 7.0 percent to 5.51 million in 2009 from an expected total of 5.15 million this year”. That’s good news for those wanting to purchase or sell a home.
Even though the news about the foreclosure crisis is grim to most, there is light at the end of the tunnel. America is a place that gives hope to those who need it and opportunity to those who want to take advantage of it. Why am I telling you this? Well, the citizens of this country must remember the foundation on which this country was built. Sure, we’ve made mistakes and haven’t always been “the land of the free”; we are however, “the home of the brave”. It’s time that we view our glass half full instead of half empty. Okay…so we are experiencing economic hardships. I’m not minimizing that fact. I am saying that we can overcome this state of being. Who says that the economy has the power to predict this country’s future? The foundation of America rests on those who preceded us and fought for the liberties that we may have previously taken for granted. Those same freedoms should be the fuel that motivates us to get our country back on track. I’m proud to be raised in America…aren’t you?!