Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are giving back to the country where their daughter Zahara was born. Pitts and Jolie recently donated $2 million to help fight HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in Ethiopia. The money will used to build a center which will be named after their 3-year old daughter, Zahara.
“It is our hope when Zahara is older she will take responsibility of the clinic and continue its mission,” Brad said in a statement.
The center will be located in the capital city of Addis Ababa. It will house kids affected by HIV and AIDs. The center will also be used to create a program to treat TB in children and adults.
Pitts and Jolie waste no time in showing their humanitarian spirit to the world and their kids. Maddox, their son, already has a center named after him. The Maddox Chivan Children’s Center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia has been open since February 2006. (Source)(PicSource)
Since Pitts-Jolie are now residents of Brignoles,England, they are now eligible to receive child support in the amount of $2600 a month. This amount will be given for each adopted child for nanny and other miscellaneous expenses. Talk about “getting over” on the government. Does this couple really need to be compensated???
A spokesperson for Brignoles Council says, “We do not discuss individual benefits cases. But can confirm that all resident local families with young children are eligible for certain benefits.” (Source)