Even though I’d been hearing about this documentary series, I had not had the chance to sit and watch it. But today I decided to give the first installment a peep (thanks to my mother reminding me to watch it).
The Zeitgeist movie is factual “researched” insights into American history and our financial make-up. Originally banned from the internet (can you spell C.O.N.SPIRACY), the documentary series were finally permitted to be posted online and have since been viewed by over 1 million viewers on YouTube alone.
The producer of Zeitgeist, Peter Joseph, created the movie as a nonprofit expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.
To view the movie in its entirety, go to www.zeitgeistmovie.com.
The video below is part 1 of the Federal Reserve segment. If you’ve ever wondered how our banking system ever got started and why the nation collapsed financially in 1907, this is the movie to watch. This movie should give you more understanding as to why we are experiencing the same situation again today.
You can find more segments on YouTube, here!
After you view Parts 1-5 of the Federal Reserve series, let us know what you think. STACKS Magazine would love to see how the urban community feels about this new found information.