Jackson will play the role of the “Shogun of Harlem” better known as Sho’nuff. ” I’m a huge fan of the original and look forward to bringing Sho’Nuff into the 21st century,” Jackson told the Hollywood Reporter. Sho’nuff is most memorable for often asking egostistical questions like “Am I the baddest mofo lowdown around this town?” and “Who’s the Master?” with his entourage of thugs answering “Sho’nuff” each time. The role was originally played by the late Julius Carry. 

The plot for the remake will pretty much be like the original which centered around an amateur martial arts student, Leroy Green, and his journey toward becoming the greatest fighter alive, hence the Last Dragon.
The film will be produced by Gordy’s son, Kerry Gordy. The Wu-Tang Clan’s Rza, John Davis of Davis Entertainment and Dallas Jackson who is also writing the screenplay will be co-producers. There’s no word yet on who will play Leroy Green or the film’s release date.
This should definitely be interesting!
Check out the clip below from the original film!