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By Bels
All it takes is one hit. But only true artists realize that it’s not about “one hit”. Instead artists know that making good music is what will define their success and span their careers for many years to come. After recently sitting down with Universal-Motown singer/songwriter, London, there was strong sense that he will not fall in the trap of being a “one hit wonder”. One thing he promises is to make good music. And with a soon-to-be-released album entitled Man of My Word, this next R&B sensation will do just that.
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In 2002, London passed up an opportunity to attend Morehouse College due to financial reasons. Raised in the Bay Area (Oakland, CA), London had very little help from his family and at such a young age found himself in a state of struggle. With only focus and determination, he remained in Atlanta and bared the humiliation of staying wherever he could lay his head down. “Staying in an abandoned house that my cousin so called owned, but really didn’t own…hole in the roof in the Georgia winter. I’m sleeping in clothes…all kind of stuff like that just to stay afloat and survive”, explains London. Survival of the fittest, some say. Well, that’s just what London continued to do [stay focused]. After meeting his longtime A&R, Shawn Harris, he slept in Harris’ office while keeping his eyes on the prize. “I got an air mattress, sleeping in the office, but just staying focused knowing the long term goal for what I was trying to do kept me afloat and just thinking I know I’m going to be alright. Whatever you put your mind to, you can do. My momma told me that it was nothing I couldn’t do. So I just stuck to it, what I was doing. Now I’m here with the music.”
With all struggle there comes a time where one thinks of giving up on their goals. And so did London. But after pursuing his dream for so long, he thought why quit now. As he continued to perform and obtain fans, he quickly learned that this could be the way out of his current financial situation. Eventually spotted by Kinky B, the Co-CEO of Corporate Thugz Entertainment and CEO of Hush Management, London can now cultivate his “hard work” ethic under management who understands first hand about making a way out of no way.
Bels: Have you ever wanted to quit?
London: Plenty of times I wanted to quit because I was looking at it like man I been doing this for a long time. I felt like nothing was happening for me. There was nobody I could turn to. Everybody had a shot, but then it was like…just keep going, just don’t stop. If you stop, then you’re a quitter and I was never a quitter. So I just continued and continued and fought and fought, until situations just started getting better and better…more people hearing, more people noticing. So I figured if I can get 10 people, I can get 20 people. Then I can start turning this into something where if I got a following, I can generate money for myself. Then I started getting business minded. So if these people like these 3 songs, let’s put these 3 songs on a cd and sell these 3 songs for $3. So I started doing that around the AUC, Spellman, Clark, and Morehouse which provided me some money so I could eat and take care of myself. It still wasn’t enough. It kept me going and kept me humble and gave me that drive that said keep grinding and keep doing it…cause pretty soon you will be the millionaire, trillionaire, billionaire that you visioned in your mind. I have envisioned me being a bigger person, bigger star than what I was before. So I just kept following that vision and that goal and I’m still following it. It’s a dream.. doing the music stuff you want to follow your dream. I feel like this is my dream. I feel like I don’t want to be awakened. Because if it’s my dream, I just want to stay a sleep and keep dreaming while I’m living what I’m doing.
Bels: What advice can you give to up and coming artists to make money?
London: Don’t be afraid to get a job and work to help support yourself. If nobody else is going to do it, you got to figure out a way to do it yourself, even if it takes 2 and 3 jobs. I even had a job and damn near about to look for a job if the label don’t start picking it up, but it gets like that. It’s hard work and if you not willing to work hard at anything you’re doing to even provide for yourself, it’s going to be a hard road. So I say, work them 9 to 5 jobs and on the side still do your music. If you’re doing 20 or 30% and working, put that other 70 or 80% into your music and keep grinding it out. Eventually it’ll pay off as much money. It takes spending money to make money, so grind it out.
In the spirit of February and Valentines Day, of course I had to ask him if he was single. And yes ladies he is.
Bels: What is your ideal women?
London: My ideal women will be someone I am compatible with…that I feel I can love… that I feel like I can see a future with, instead, of me just seeing 20 minutes into me first meeting her or what I can do right then and there. I don’t really have a preference… light skinned, dark skinned, tall, short, small, big, it don’t matter. Whatever comes and whatever sparks my interest is what I roll with.
Bels: What is considered a great gift for Valentine’s Day?
London: Anything you can get for Valentine is a great gift.
Here’s the full interview with London (Part 1 and Part 2) and also where he discuss future business plans, his love for ping-pong, relationships, and his new album.
Part 1
Part 2
His new album Man of My Word may not have many features, but he doesn’t worry. He knows his talent is good enough to handle an album on it’s own. “I want yall to know that I am coming to shut this R&B stuff down. No R&B artist is seeing me about nothing. Call it cocky, call it what you want. I call it confident in my music. I let the music speak for itself.” London insists that the album will definitely be one that you can press play and let it ride out. Unlike most, London’s journey proves that his success is one that is well deserved.
To hear more from London, check him out on and at!