ABC’s Nightline correspondent, Cynthia McFadden, recently interviewed Beyonce during promo for her new world tour dvd. Beyonce gets candid on what she looks for in her staff [no pushovers for miss B…be respectful and give her constructive criticism].
“I don’t want those people around me. You know the second that happens …you’re videos start looking a little crazy, your music starts…. It eventually going to catch up with you, that is not appealing at all. I want people to be respectful and have constructive criticism. I like to be around people who are really good at their job that I trust. But if something is wrong, I’m definitely going to try to make it right.”
“I need dancers that are going to dance better than me…..I want to be threatened. I want them to push me.”
Peep the video:
Source: ABC News