Black women have many obstacles they have to face in life. To add to the constant battles, the workplace is a breeding spot for having to prove yourself to your peers. Having worked in corporate america myself for over 10 plus years, being a woman working up the corporate ladder takes stamina (too say the least). Woman you have to be confident, know what your talking about at all times, be able to play with the big boys, and stay focused on your goals. If you are a lady that want to know great ways to help you get to the top of your career, I found this book by Elaine Meryl Brown. The Little Black Book of Success, according to will provides the following:
You can reach your own pinnacle of professional power with this “mentor in your pocket” handbook as three dynamic, successful black female executives share their strategies to play the power game—and win. Focusing on the building blocks of leadership and dealing specifically with stereotypes (avoid the Mammy Trap, don’t become the Angry Black Woman) and the perils of self-victimization, chapters include:
• The “N” Word: Networking
• Racism Is No Excuse, But It Can Be a Motivator
• Acknowledge There Is a Game and Accept That You Must PlayComplete with a foreword by Essence® editor-in-chief Angela Burt-Murray, this book will help you maximize your leadership potential and exceed all expectations.
Here’s a snippet from Chapter One of the book:
Always Consider Yourself a VIP
Many of you are already active in the workplace or will soon be entering workforces all over the world – in privately held corporations, large foundations, small not-for-profit organizations, advocacy groups, government positions, or other jobs right in your neighborhood – and yet, you may not know a very important secret: There is a leader inside each of you just waiting to come out! All you need to do is develop and hone the skills that will help the leader in you to surface and shine. Leaders are not only born, they can also be created. Even if you have never held a leadership position and were told that you did not have “leadership potential” as you were growing up, you can learn what it takes to be a leader right now. Like math, science, and languages, leadership can be learned because it requires skill sets that can be taught. And since you are clearly capable of learning, the path to leadership is one you can always pursue. However, along the path to leadership success, you will have to refuse to give in to negative thinking that can hold you back. Too often brilliant and beautiful young women of color sabotage themselves, sometimes without even knowing that they are doing it, so that they never become the leaders they are capable of becoming or achieve the level of leadership success they deserve. The most critical aspect of leadership is self-esteem, which must flow from the core of your being. In order to become a leader and remain an effective one, you must always consider yourself a Very Important Person (VIP). This doesn’t mean that you should be arrogant or cocky and walk into your job believing that you already know everything you need to know. Instead, it means that you need to feel confident that you are bringing much value to any workplace and that your cultural strengths, values, and work ethic will stand you in good stead as you go about learning how to do your job, and that you will be successful despite any challenges you may face, whether they are small or large. How you feel about yourself is imperative to moving forward and sustaining your efforts to meet your leadership goals. Feeling that you’re a VIP, reminding yourself that you’re a VIP, dressing like you’re a VIP, and acting like you’re a VIP (within reason, of course) will help to give you the confidence you need to conquer real and imagined obstacles in your workplace. Rest assured that you can overcome any hurdles you may encounter on your way to becoming a leader – just be prepared and hang on to your hat.
This is a great read! Check your local book stores or go to Amazon or Black Expressions online to purchase a copy. Cost is only $20.00.