The day after Thanksgiving marks the annual day in which consumers loose their d*mn minds trying to find a great deal. Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and every other major store pull out all the stops to lure people in. From their best pricing tricks and to the best merchandise, Black Friday has become a shoppers live-by/die-by day where they can strike gold and purchase items they’ve had their eye on. Also, Black Friday is often used to collect inexpensive gifts for family and friends for the upcoming Christmas holiday. No matter what it’s used for, Black Friday shoppers will camp outside in long lines at 4 and 5AM in the morning in hopes of catching a great deal.

     If you refuse to wake up that early, another option is to catch Black Friday deals ONLINE! A lot of times, you can find an even better deal on the internet than in-store. Also online, you may come across a few discounted items that are not the “usual”. Here are few we found that may be of interest to you:



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About The Author

Ms. Bels

Ms. Bels is unlike any other female publisher in the game. A true go-getter that bridges her Westside ATL upbringing with corporate swag. The savviness of this only-child has afforded her a successful 15+ year career in business management, budget analysis and accounting; Stacks Entertainment LLC was her first entrepreneurial baby. Stacks Publishing Group LLC (SPG) is her second and, prayerfully, becomes the gateway to an extraordinary life. Always on-the-go, Bels finds time for a mixture of mischief and positivity. Traveling across the globe, shopping, writing, and giving back to the community are a few things she enjoy. Oh and she loves to laugh.