I’m as happy as anyone that the NBA season will not be canceled this year; after the Super Bowl with no football I’m not sure if there’s enough quality television to keep me from going crazy having to listening to my ole lady mouth. I am definitely against the owners having too much power and doing things like blackballing players i.e. Calvin Murphy and J.R. Rider. But I am equally disgusted by players deciding to team up with their buddies in chase of an elusive championship ring. It’s bad enough that there is no parody in the NBA, of the 65 NBA champions the Bulls, Pistons, Lakers, Celtics, and Spurs account for 44 of them. They claim it’s to better their chances of winning, because they don’t want to play in small markets, or they want to play with their friends. Maybe it was the way I was raised but why would you want to play with so many inferior teams in the league and I don’t recall ever getting mad if my friends end up on a different team than me.
The trade rumors are coming hard and fast Lakers getting Chris Paul & Dwight Howard, no need to go back into the sucker move the Miami Heat did, Chris Paul wants to play in New York with his good friend Carmelo. Perhaps it’s because so many of the players skip college that they still act like school girls. What happened to building your team with role players to surround your star like the Bulls and Spurs did to build their dynasty; is it just the American way to want things as fast and easy as possible. The only thing it’s going to make me root for is that these teams to lose. You should have to work for your achievements in life; if we all got what we wanted fast and easy almost every woman would be married. Men would have a mute button for their women, and all of our kids would be as smart as people seem to think theirs kids are.
Article submitted by contributing writer J. Darien Stokes
Of course it’s the American way, while struggle to obtain what you want instead of bullying your way to it. How you think the Kennedy’s, Bush’s, Black Panthers and everybody else got what they wanted