Every day, a celebrity is being sued or is suing somebody for something. Geesh! In the latest judicial news, 21-year old rapper Soulja Boy will soon be in the middle of a heated legal battle. According to several news sources, DeAndre Way is suing his former manager Philip Ransom and has filed documents in Georgia Supreme Court. Soulja Boy claims that Mr. Ransom cohersed him into signing a management contracts that were “unconscionable, oppressive, and unjust.”
Soulja Boy alleges that one of the contract agreements signed entitled Mr. Ransom to 5% of his income for all work completed during his time as his client. Also, a separate contract states that Ransom is entitled to 50% of all of Soulja’s music copyrights. Soulja states that this is “commercially unreasonable.”
Of course, Ransom is calling foul and has filed his own suit stating that Soulja Boy still owes him money.
What’s next Soulja??? #GetIt Together
Beyonce Knowles is in hot water too. A video game company, Gate Five, is seeking $100 million in restitution for a “Beyonce” game that never hit the shelves. Gate Five insists that Beyonce did not properly notify them about her decision to pull-out of the multi-million dollar project. In 2010, Gate Five and Beyonce’s team decided upon a deal to develop an interactive video game called “Starpower: Beyonce”. But for some unknown reason, Beyonce backed out of the deal and left the company $7 million in debt and out of a potential profit gain of $100 million.
After a failed attempt to sue Beyonce in April 2011, Gate Five was recently granted an official ruling, by the Manhattan Supreme Court, that there is sufficient evidence to continue the lawsuit.
Good luck B! Hopefully, this can be resolved in a suitable way for both parties.