Have you ever been listening to the radio and heard a song for the first time and said to yourself that you like it or don’t like it; but radio plays the song so much that you end up changing your mind to the opposite opinion. Another example for me is the Chrysler 300 when they first came out in the mid 2000’s I said that they really look good, then everybody and they mama got one and now I can’t stand them. Well, when it comes to sports, there aren’t many options for sports news channels. ESPN and its sister channels and Fox Sports are the only two that come to mind on regular cable.
When you watch ESPN…1) they pretty much play Sports Center 24/7, and 2) has a variety of debate shows if neither is playing a game. My problems is with the coverage, if there are 10 different debate shows, please believe all 10 shows will talk about the same 10 or so subjects every day; so much so you become exhausted with hearing about them. I never cared for Tim Tebow as a player, or quite frankly as a person but if you don’t care one way or the other as much as they talk about him you guaranteed to love or hate him if you watch ESPN daily. Their coverage was almost as bad during Kobe Bryant and the Eagle, CO incident, and Tiger Woods and his marriage problems. They do on occasion put major tennis or soccer tournaments on for the whole day, but they need to do a better job with more well-rounded coverage. I understand it has some to do with television contracts, but it feels that they worked so hard to become the biggest in sports coverage only to spend the whole day dwelling on a few subjects.
Fox Sports at the moment is much better at giving opinions and interviews with shows like Dan Patrick in the morning, they have a show similar to Sports Center, and they also throughout the day will spend time with shows on hockey, tennis, soccer, as well as the big three. Its feels like ESPN worked so hard and made themselves look good so we can marry them only to nag all day about the same things; I don’t know about other sport fans but I been having an affair with Fox Sports for about half a year now.
Article written by contributing writer J. Darien Stokes