Tax time is finally here. As usual, the IRS is expecting accurate filings and the documentation to back up your return. What’s new is that you have two extra days to get your return together. Instead of the April 15 deadline, filers aren’t responsible for filing until Tuesday, April 17. The government is aware that the 15th falls on a Sunday this year and the 16th is a recognized holiday, Emancipation Day.
While you are prepping your returns, note that you must have all receipts on hand to account for any deductions you are claiming. For instance, if you are filing a business return, money spent on marketing materials, attorneys, equipment purchases…must all have documentation for proof. For individual returns, you must have bank statements, check receipts, statements from your church or other civic organizations. These forms of documentation will be acceptable by the IRS if you are claiming charitable donations or out-of-pocket education expenses on your taxes.
As many Americans turn to electronic filing, please know that if your annual income is $57, 000 or less, you are able to file taxes for FREE at Other e-file services, such as Turbo Tax, will charge a fee to file.
Good luck with your taxes! If you have all your ducks in order, you don’t have to worry about getting an unexpected visit from the Tax Man.