Last week during the Boston Celtics vs. the Charlotte Bobcats, Celtics star Paul Pierce claimed the #2 spot on the team’s career scoring list, knocking Celtics’ all-time favorite Larry Bird down to the #3 spot. Pierce went into the game only needing 9 points to tie Bird’s total of 21,791.
By halftime, Pierce already had seven points and his 3-pointer a few minutes into the third quarter sealed the deal. Pierce’s milestone was met with a standing ovation and an array of applause from the fans. An official announcement was made later in the game in which Pierce took center court, took a bow and blew kisses at the fans.
Pierce still has quite a ways to go if he’s gunning for the #1 spot which is currently held by John Havlicek with 26,395 points but nonetheless congrats are definitely in order. WAY TO GO Paul Pierce!!!