This past Monday night, I got the opportunity to hear Canadian-born songbird Melanie Fiona live. I must say…this chick can sannnggg.
As a belated birthday gift for a dear friend of mine, I purchased two VIP tickets from in order for us to get an autographed copy of her new album The MF Life and meet Melanie in-person. After arriving at 7pm, I quickly noticed that the show would not start at 8pm as stated. Fans were lined up outside of The Loft @ Center Stage for about 2 hours before the venue opened the doors.
Once in the venue, more “waiting” ensued and I was getting quite restless. The Grey Goose and cranberry drink I was sipping on didn’t help the cause either. But, eventually when the Melanie hit the stage, my body perked up and I was ready for a show.
Ms Fiona has stage prescence and a voice that’s strong on its on. No need for auto-tune like other singers. “Give It To Me Right”, “Other Side of a Love Song”, “It Kills Me”, and one of my favorites “Fool For You” (with Cee-lo Green) were all performed beautifully. Beyond the pretty face, you can tell that insides lies lots of soul and passion. She sung with such conviction and everyone in the crowd felt the pain. I must say I enjoyed the short time that I was there. I was too exhausted to stay til the end. Too bad, we didn’t even get a chance to see her perform her current hit “4 AM” or get our autographed cd.
Nevertheless, there’s been word that The MF Life album sales are on the low end. With more radio-friendly hit songs and public engagement throughout the U.S., I think Melanie Fiona will eventually sell lots of records. She definitely has the powerhouse voice to take it to the top.
Here is a video of her performing “Fool for You”. Check it out: