Rashan Ali spent many years entertaining us via the radio. As a former radio personality, on both V-103 FM and Hot 107.9, it has been her love of sports that has fueled most things the Atlanta native participates in.
Growing up as a swimmer, she decided to start a non-profit organization that empowered African-American girls through various sports fields. Her organization is called Sporty Girls, Inc.
Recently, I caught up with Rashan at the Pretty Girls Rock event to find out little more about Sporty Girls. We chatted about their overall mission and 2012 calendar of events. She also expressed her feelings on women in the industry and the importance of coming together.
Sporty Girls Incorporated is my non-profit, in which we encourage African-American girls to swim, play golf, tennis and soccer. Coming up June 3-7, we have our tennis and golf camp. June 5-11, we have our swimming and soccer camp. We have 40 girls and we’re really excited about that. Throughout the rest of the year, we put out free clinics for girls who are interested in these sports as well. Our goal is to get these girls at a level so that they can go to college and receive collegiate scholarships, whether in sports or academics. I went to college on a swimming scholarship. So, that’s why I am so passionate about swimming and other sports and that when we do them we do them well. We just don’t do them a lot.
What type of benefit does this type of event gives women in this industry?
I think the main part about it is, that the growth that has happen from Pretty Girls Rock 1 to this year, has just been phenomenal. It shows you that women want to come together for a worthy cause. They want to come together to network. And want to come together just to have fun. You know what people say about women, we can’t do anything together. But, this shows otherwise. I’m just happy to see so many gorgeous women out here tonight just to see fashion, to see artists and see performances, and just to be amongst each other.
Since her departure from radio, all of her supporters wondered what it is that she’s doing now. Here’s what Rashan had to say about her current career moves:
Well, I am the social media correspondent for NBA TV. So check me out on NBA TV during the playoffs. And I’m really enjoying the television life.
For more information about Sporty Girls, Inc and/or Rashan Ali, go to www.sportygirlsinc.org or www.rashanali.net!