Well, the $40,000 a ticket private fundraiser thrown by Jay-Z and Beyonce paid off. It’s being reported that the Carter’s were able to raise $4 million for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign!
President Obama and one hundred supporters were in attendance on Tuesday night at Jay’s 40/40 Club. While partaking in Champagne and food, the building was full of pre-congratulatory spirit as everyone mingled and showed grand support for Obama. Jay-Z and Beyonce have been firm supporters of Obama since his first run four years ago. Even Beyonce said a few words celebrating the POTUS.
“I can’t tell you how proud we are to host tonight’s event with President Obama,” said Beyonce, in a stunning red cocktail dress and blond curls. “We believe in his vision.”
In appreciation for the special fundraiser on his behalf, President Obama took time out to express his gratitude and crack a joke about the similiarities of his wife Michelle and Beyonce.
“We both have daughters and our wives are more popular than we are. So, you know, we’ve got a little bond there. It’s hard but it’s OK,” the president said of he and the “Watch The Throne” rapper.
“Beyonce could not be a better role model for my girls,” said Obama
You got to love President Obama. He is one cool dude!
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Photo Credit: Obama/Biden Official Twitter