NeNe Leakes recently expressed her thoughts on departing from the “Real Housewives of Atlanta“. After becoming the star of the very popular reality series, NeNe made a few major moves into television (starring on Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice” and now “Glee” and “The New Normal”). In deed, she’s made advancements to add some credibility into her passion for acting. We here, at STACKS Magazine, support any woman making strides in business.
But, are her plans to move on from RHOA a little premature? NeNe doesn’t think so. During an interview with the New York Post, she said…
“Just the thought of me being a ‘Housewife,’ [TV execs] would probably say, ‘Hmmm. We may not want to use her.’ Jus the whole persona of being a housewife: the cattiness and the bitchiness and the fighting, people see you as that is who you are,” she reasoned. “I can’t continue to be a housewife. At some point, I have to back out.”
Understandable. I mean, Joseline of Love & Hip Hop ATL couldn’t stay being a stripper forever (who ironically chose the same career choice as Mrs. Leakes in her younger days). So, although she has not said exactly when she’ll leave the show, my suggestion is that she stay long enough to cash a few more “trump checks”. Always keep your pockets diverse. Smart people make know how to get money from various sources. If she has the time and energy, I say continue to do RHOA for at least two more seasons. This will give NeNe ample time to truly solidify her place as a star in the entertainment game.
Give it up for NeNe though. The chick got her hustle on quick!