On November 1 – 3, 2012, the Georgia Tech Research Institute will be the host location for a great opportunity. The 2nd annual Atlanta Pitch Summit is a three day conference that focuses on helping aspiring television show owners learn how to successfully sell their ideas to major networks. To help folks on their television journey, guest speakers will include Tracey Edmonds (Award Winning Filmmaker) and Mona Scott–Young (Creator of Love & Hip Hop). Major networks that will be in attendance includes BET, Aspire TV, GMC, Our Stories Films, Bobb Cat Films, Monami Entertainment, Greendoor Pictures, Trium Entertainment, and many more.
Reality shows are a big deal and major money maker for primetime and cable networks these days. If you’ve been sitting at home with the greatest idea for the next big hit show, here’s your opportunity to learn from industry players and even pitch your ideas! In case you are wondering what the panel conversations will discuss, here’s more details about the summit:
Exclusive Q & A with Mona Scott-Young (Creator & EP of Love & Hip Hop)
Exclusive Q & A Reality Check w/ Mona Scott-Young. When you think that reality TV has gone way too far, Mona Scott-Young -Creator and Executive Producer of Vh1’s Love and Hip Hop sits in the Hot Seat and shares her expertise on how she managed to have the #1 most watched show with VH1/Viacom.
Women in Entertainment-Panel
Women in Entertainment – featuring Tracey Edmonds- CEO Edmonds Entertainment & Our Stories Films, Connie Orlando- VP of Original Programming (BET), Tracy Christian, Agent (TCA Jed Root), Shay Griffin-CEO of The Chez Group, Denene Millner- Author (THINK LIKE A MAN)
Greenlight Your Pitch for Television-Panel
What are the secrets to pitching? What is the secret to getting your television show greenlit? Find out the TV Bible rules and the masterplan to creating pitches that sell. Greenlight Your Pitch w/ Tina Thompson, Dir of Prgm- ASPIRE TV, Joe Swift- 7 Stories Up, Programming-BET Network , Anthony Samadani, GC w/Trium Entertainment (The Biggest Loser)
Music Pitch: Promotions, Score & Licensing for Distribution – Panel
Calling all musical artists! This is your chance to learn the right way to push your record, track or jingle in a different direction than the regular mixtape. This panel will share how to release your music for Film & TV. Panel Guests: Traci Adams- VP of Epic Records, Melissa Love- Licensing Expert, French Spencer-Producer, Do It All-Lords of the Underground (artist), Jason Geter-CEO of Grand Hustle.
Comedy Focus-Panel
Calling all Aspiring Comedians who want to learn how Comedians Transition from On Stage to On Screen w/Tommy Ford (Martin)
Acting Workshop
Inspiring the person inside of the Actor with Celebrity Acting Coach/Casting Director Tracey Moore
The Benefits of Marketing, P & A (Print & Advertising) for Distribution – Panel
P & A (Print & Advertising) for Distribution w/ Angela Cannon, GMC-VP of Marketing, Mitzi Miller, JET Magazine
-Editor-in Chief, April Love-Public Relations, Tracey Walker – Online Marketing Expert, Nick F. Nelson, Liquid Soul Media – Chief Marketing Officer.
Writer’s Workshop
Structure of Dialogue w/ Colin Costello (www.colincostello.com)
Using Other People’s Money w/Shannon Nash – Panel
Financing a Film or TV show can be challenging for the producer and filled with traps for the unwary. It’s like a catch-22. The producer has the script, treatment, breakdown, schedule, budget, and a business plan. Now the producer just needs talent. But the talent won’t come on board without the financing in place. Given that most independent film producers do not want to (or can’t) use their personal funds to finance the project, the producer is left with one solution – Use other people’s money. Shannon Nash, ESQ., Michelle L. Davis, ESQ., Paul Garnes, Producer This panel will explore all the potential perils, pitfalls and proper ways to use other people’s money, including: SEC and state law security compliance and potential violations, using debt or agreements that look like debt (including high interest rates that may be illegal), crowdsourcing sites like Kickstarter and state and local tax credits and tax incentives such as the Invest Georgia Exemption for projects under $1million. The panel will also look at all the compliance issues that exist for many years after taking other people’s money such as: investor reports and communications, copies of tax returns to investors (Schedule K-1s for most investors), paying back lenders and filing with state and local agencies.
To register for the event, go to www.atlantapitchsummit.com.