During his career as a professional basketball player, Magic Johnson earned his right to be deemed an NBA star and it looks as if he’s quickly earning the title of business mogul off the court. With several entrepreneurship gigs already under his belt, not to mention his most recent purchase of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Magic is about to make yet another power move.
This time around, Magic has purchased and is about to bring back Sooouullll Train…that’s right, Soooouuulll Train! Even though it’s been a long time since the show was in the boob tube’s rotation, Magic hopes he can once again make the show a hit and keep the legacy going.
In addition to bringing ‘Soul Train’ back to television, Magic also plans to produce a biopic of Don Conrnelius’ life.
It’ll definitely be interesting to see how the comeback of ‘Soul Train’ fairs, but it’s going to be even more interesting considering the direction music and dancing has taken these days.
What do you think? Will you be watching?