With the holiday season in full effect, many celebs are in the “give back” mood. From passing out turkeys on Thanksgiving to hosting charitable events to raise money for the underprivileged, for many entertainers it is more to life than fast cars and bling.
Detroit’s Big Sean is now spreading his fortune in a positive way. At a recent concert in his hometown, he made a major announcement that he’s officially launched the Sean Anderson Foundation. Based out of his home state of Michigan, the non-profit organization will focus on key areas that are vital to the youth and Detroit’s upward growth.
“The mission of the Sean Anderson Foundation is to assist in the education, health, safety and well-being of Detroit area school-aged youth,” says Big Sean. “I want to use my awareness to improve the situations in our school systems in particular. Many schools in Detroit have been closing or are in danger of closing. My school played an integral part of making me the man I am today and without that education and extra care, I don’t know where I would be today. So, I just want to help support the well being of young people in anyway that I can.”
Sean’s mom, Myra Anderson, will serve as President and work alongside an appointed group of board members. To learn more about the foundation, check out www.seanandersonfoundation.org.
Photo Credit: GQ