It’s tax season and everyone is in need of a huge refund check. But some of the biggest mistakes found by the IRS on tax forms are where individuals try to write off things that you simply can’t write off. It may be due to lack of tax education and the IRS policies.
To help familiarize you and prepare you for this tax season, here’s a list of items you should rethink before writing them off:
Spousal and Child Support
Many taxpayers try to deduct these two forms of familial support on their returns. However, alimony is the only type of income paid by one ex-spouse to another that can be deducted.
Unreimbursed Work Expenses
Although self-employed taxpayers can deduct every dollar of work-related expenses, W-2 employees can only deduct unreimbursed expenses in excess of 2% of their adjusted gross incomes – and only those who are able to itemize their deductions.
Above-the-Line Deduction for Roth IRA Contributions
Unlike traditional IRA contributions, there is no deduction for Roth IRA contributions because the income distributed from them is tax-free, whereas traditional IRA and retirement plan distributions are taxable as ordinary income.
529 Plan Contributions
Taxpayers who contribute money to the 529 plan sponsored by their own state can often take a deduction for their contributions up to a certain limit on their state returns. However, there is no federal deduction available for this.
Political Contributions
Cash or property donations to any qualified 501(c)(3) organization are deductible, but political parties do not fall into this category. Unfortunately, but that $100 you sent in to get the candidate of your choice elected doesn’t go anywhere on the 1040.
Homeowners’ Insurance
The only time that this can be deducted is for those who either use part of their home for business or for those who own rental properties. Homeowners outside these categories cannot deduct their homeowners’ or rental insurance under any circumstances.
To see more items and get the full scoop, go here!