The country of San Paulo, Brazil suffered a huge loss this weekend. CNN reports that approximately 245 people were killed during a huge fire incident at KISS nightclub. After an explosion occured on stage, due to pyrotechnics, flames and smoked engulfed the club leaving the party goers struggling to exit. Local officials says most of the bodies were found in the bathroom areas and trapped under falling ceilings.
The evening of the show there were over 2000 people in the club. But because of limited exits (only 2 doors), all of the young kids were in a state of panic as they trampled over one another trying desperately to get out. Some witnesses claims that club security, at one point, blocked the doors and prevented many to exit the premises.
According to new reports, KISS nightclub’s license expired in August and had not since been renewed. This unfortunate incident is still under investigation by authorities.
Let us all pray for the victims families and friends. Also, let’s be aware of our surroundings the next time we go out to a nightclub. Take notice of all the exit locations and mentally create a quick exit plan in case something like this happens.