Justin Timberlake has a new album coming out and everyone is excited. Including me.
But to hell with all of that: there are plenty of artists that have been ignored over the past couple of months. I know a FEW people that are paying attention. However, most are not aware. In fact, most probably don’t care. They are probably too busy doing their own versions of those Harlem Shake videos. It seems to be that a lot of great stuff just isn’t catching the attention of the masses.
Well, I’m here to change all of that. Let me break down my list of songs that deserve your attention (no matter how dated):
1.) Phil Beaudreau – Anyway
This guy blew me away with this song. This song was lush and essential enough for Casey Veggies to sample it and Phil hasn’t even blown up yet. But I give him some time before people start clamoring for more. Trust in that.
2.) Tweet – Enough
This should be a theme song for those women out there that is fed up. If you know you have put in enough effort and he STILL acts up, this song is for you. If not, then you can at least feel the emotive movements within her words and the music. Damn, I’m glad Tweet is back at it.
3.) Chrisette Michele – A Couple of Forevers
Hey, she is known for towing the line every now and then. Still, she is capable of making something that warrants repeats and constant spins. A Couple of Forevers is one of those songs. It is all about loving someone for as long as you can. Once you love them that long, you go longer than that. I love it!
4.) Stacy Barthe – Flawed Beautiful Creatures
This song is the epitome of meaningful music. It is so raw and refreshingly human that anyone that listens to it should become a better person just because. It actually teaches a lesson about life: we all do things that can, and should, be questioned. No one is perfect. So, act accordingly and save judgment for those situations you fully understand. This song should be a classic.
5.) Raheem Devaughn – Fire We Make (Remix)
For those that know and understand Raheem Devaughn, he has a knack for remaking songs. This Alicia Keys and Maxwell cut is no different. Every time he adds his own emotions and lyrical depth to the situation. Personally, he should have made this song. But who am I to say that Alicia and Max didn’t deserve this track. Whatever. You all know I may have a point.