Although it is good to register your works with the U.S. Copyrights office, there is a simple and free way to secure your work. It is called the Poorman’s copyright. This is not the most appropriate way to prove that you are the original owner of the work. But it is the most affordable and temporary way to place security on your artistic property. Registering with the government just gives you additional security and credibility to your work. 3 Ways to register a copyright for free:
- Send yourself an email containing your work and save it in your mailbox with the date- this would be the proof that you had the work before anyone else did, this would prove that you are the original creator of the work and the owner of its CopyRight!
- Copyscape is a free copyright search engine! That can help you register for a copyright without any money for your blog, it also reports if anyone in the web world has copied your work and reports it to you if found the same.This type of copyright is used by bloggers.
- Creative Commonsis a non profit org where you can register your work and make it public. This type of copyright is also used by many bloggers.
So make sure you secure your work by copyrighting it. You’d rather be safe, than sorry!