While Grammy award winning music artist Lauryn Hill tax troubles were no secret, earlier this week it seems as if they were about to get the best of her.
Hill was scheduled to be sentenced this past Monday, after pleading to and being found guilty of tax evasion charges last year. During her plea of guilt, Hill admitted to not paying taxes on the $1.8 million she earned from 2005 to 2007. But fortunately for Hill, who faces up to 3 years in prison, the judge decided to give her a just a little more time to pay off her debt.
Ms. Lauryn should consider herself very lucky considering the judge ruling on the case was a bit annoyed by Hill lack of effort to pay off the debt before now. In a statement, U.S. Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox said, “This is not someone who stands before the court penniless. This is a criminal matter. Actions speak louder than words, and there has been no effort here to pay these taxes.”
While the exact amount that Hill owes isn’t clear, but said to be in the neighborhood of a half of million, she’s only being given two weeks to figure it out. According to her attorney Hill will have it worked out before she’s due back in court on May 6th. “I fully expect that by May 3, Ms. Hill will be able to pay back all the restitution she has,” said her attorney Nathan Hochman.
Looks like Lauryn dodged a bullet then. Let’s just hope she comes through as promised, with all her kids and a new record deal with Sony, she’s got better things to do than to sit in jail. Take heed folks, simply put, if you owe you better pay.