One of the most redundant questions seen on Twitter is “why my page isn’t verified?”. I, personally, could give a rats behind. But, there are people in cyber land that really care about that type of stuff. Also, celebrities have griped for years about random strangers (aka “cyber thugs”) jacking their names and creating profile pages impersonating them. Now, Facebook seems to care too.
The social network recently rolled out it’s usage of the “blue check.” However, Twitter is the originator of the “check.” The symbol was created to verify pages of celebrities, politicians, and popular brands so that followers could distinguish if the page/profile was indeed real. With any social media user having the capabilities to create a page and take on the identity of someone else, this security measure was best suited to acknowledge who’s really who. Facebook has taken on the same symbol (and reasoning for it) and has incorporated it within their website. Celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, President Obama, Beyoncé, and others have verified profiles on Facebook.
As of now, there is no “verification account” application or required documentation profilers can submit to Facebook. Instead, Facebook reps will reach out to each individual or brand if verification of their profile page is deemed necessary.