“For women, shoes are the most important. Good shoes take you places” -Seo Min Hyum
There I was walking down Chicago’s Michigan Ave, during rush hour, a time when everyone is trying to get home. Making my way through the crowd with an intense poker face, that said if you get in my way, im doing a Scrappy and putting them paws on you, only to be met by an even more crowded bus ride. I noticed two women before me, pointing down in the direction of a woman, who had to have the longest pair of legs id ever seen. I was taught that pointing was rude, until I allowed my eyes to rest on the object of their attention. It wasn’t the woman nor was it her legs but, it was the fierce pair of Prada shoes she was wearing. I wanted her shoes!!!
How many times have we heard the phrase, if I were in your shoes?? I will be the first to admit, I am somewhat obsessed with shoes. It is my belief that the right shoes, not just any shoes, can brighten any woman’s day. Shoes that make other women wish they were theirs, gives the woman wearing the shoes a little more confidence, with each step. Let’s face it, from baby booties to orthopedic shoes, we spend all of our lives in shoes.
From the top shoe designers to mid range designers, shoes tell a story. Studies have been done that suggest, you can tell allot about a woman by her choices in shoes. I have a love for shoes so intense, that I have my own theory about the fairytale Cinderella. I think it was really the glass slipper the Stepsisters wanted and not the prince.
The truth is, our feet put up with a lot of strain and discomfort. In our effort to pamper them, we treat them to pedicures. Pedicures can’t hide or shield them from everything, but shoes can, so why not dress them in anything but the best?
By Kenya Bonner, content writer for STACKS Magazine