It’s crazy how accusations and rumors can spread so quickly online. In this case, R&B Divas executive producer and cast member Nicci Gilbert is the topic of discussion. And the chitter chatter surrounding her is not good at all.
Back in May, I had the opportunity to interview Nicci [HERE] just in time for the premiere of R&B Divas Atlanta: Season 2. In that interview, Nicci talked about an array of things from how the idea of the show came about, issues with the editing, her being perceived as being bossy and rude, her dislike of cast mate Syleena Johnson, her Curvato clothing line, empowering full-figured women, and so on and so on. Our discussion was very enlightening because I was a fan of Brownstone and the R&B Divas show and to have the chance to talk to the powerhouse vocalist/entrepreneur was a great addition to my repertoire of celebrity interviews. Well, funny how things change in just a short matter of time.
This week, explosive reports hit the internet claiming that Nicci Gilbert is lying about a few things. During last weeks episode, especially, Angie Stone and Nicci engaged in a very direct and revealing conversation. Angie questioned the existence of the Divas & Wildflowers non-profit organization that is operated by Nicci’s daughter, Brandy Lynn. Angie researched the organization and found out that it didn’t “yet” exist. Of course, this accusation set Nicci off. She naturally became defensive and felt appalled that Angie would even suggest she’d lie about something such as a charity. But, the heat directed towards her didn’t stop within the hour of the reality program.
This week, Youtube star Funky Dineva wrote an article that “let the cat out the bag” about Nicci’s Curvato clothing line. Funky Dineva let it be known that Nicci doesn’t design her own clothes. Instead, the full-figured line is purchased wholesale from China. Also, Dineva had a few choice words regarding Divas & Wildflowers legitimacy [click to read full article]. To make matters worst, a petition surfaced to have Nicci kicked off the show. SMH. As also reported, the petition was started by one of Syleena’s stans and currently holds over 200 signatures. So, is Nicci Gilbert a fraud?
Based on the recent accusations, some may think that she is. But before we all throw her under the bus, could there be a reasonable explanation for all of this confusion? For starters, the Curvato clothing line being purchased in China isn’t a big deal. Hell, there are many clothing companies who purchase their clothes from overseas. The question is whether or not the clothes are her “original” designs. Or does Nicci just go online pick out styles she like, place an order, and then stitch her own label on them? If so, I think it would be best that she “keep it real” and let the public know that. I seriously doubt that her consumers would care less. Just rename it as “The Curvato Boutique” and keep it moving.
Secondly, the accusations Angie made regarding the non-profit organization. As a businesswoman myself, one thing I know is to never publicize a business without properly securing all of the proper state and/or federal documents to prove that your company indeed exist. If she was pressed for filming time and wanted to hurry and get the brand seen on television, at least film the process of starting the organization. This would have solidified the legitimacy of the business. Is the business registered in the state of Georgia? Is Divas & Wildflowers a 501 (c)3? Is there a website? Angie claimed she Googled the organization and couldn’t find anything. So, where’s the paperwork to prove it? Or is it just a work-in-progress? But wait! In last night’s season finale, Nicci vented about her disgust to Monifah and KeKe Wyatt and made a few things clear.
Nicci expressed to the girls that she told Angie that Divas & Wildflowers was a newly formed organization. She stated that the non-profit organization can work alongside a tour and legitimize it as “fiscal sponsorship”. Under federal IRS laws, it is illegal to gain profit from any source while using a charity’s name as a way to market the event. So, Nicci mentions that yes it can be done under this “fiscal sponsorship”.
According to Wikipedia, Fiscal sponsorship refers to the practice of non-profit organizations offering their legal and tax-exempt status to groups engaged in activities related to the organization’s missions. Without going into the full definition, YES, Nicci’s organization can put on a tour or performance as a long as both groups (or charities involved) understand the nature of how business will be done. It is a risky move to make and some of the divas are well within their right to have some major concerns. No one wants the IRS on their a**.
In case you missed the last nights episode, check it out in its entirety below. But, to get straight to Nicci’s response, start at the 7:46 mark.
The way the whole tour and charity conversation could have been communicated to the group differently. Because of the assumptions and the confusion, the divas are upset and now the public’s throwing salt on her name and it isn’t cute at all. At this point, Nicci should release a formal statement to clear things up about the tour, charity, and Curvato. I personally reached out to one of her close confidants and asked if she’d be releasing a statement disputing any of the claims. The source wasn’t sure. Hopefully, she will and when she does, STACKS Magazine will be on top of it to bring you her side of the story. Stay tuned…
Photo credit: TV One