When conversations involve religion and/or money, that’s when things get sticky. Case in point…
The LGBT community in Washington, D.C. is pissed off at Kirk Franklin for being chosen to perform at the DC Emancipation Day. The city’s government paid the “Stomp” gospel singer $80,000 to perform at the event. But, the gay community believes that this was just a blatant contradiction to Franklin’s personal believes involving the gay lifestyle. Although Franklin has stated in past interviews that the LGBT community should be treated with kindness, compassion, and love by the church, he still feels as though the lifestyle goes against what the Bible says about homosexuality.
But, the LGBT people are simply NOT hearing it.
One man Wayne Besen, founder of Truth Wins Out (a national LGBT organization) believes Kirk Franklin and others are “fake Christians.” “The truth is, they compromise on everything the Bible says for their own convenience, yet twist the Scripture to support bigotry,” says Besen.
What do you think? Is it fair for “Christian” performers/celebrities to profit off of LGBT related events, knowing that they disapprove of the homosexual lifestyle?
Hit us up…this is an interesting topic. We’d like to know what you think!