During my past experience as an event planner, I learned early on that being able to negotiate was something that was going to take some skill. Whether it was securing venues or pricing caterers, each tasks involved “costs” that were set by the owner or manager. But as usual, the cost was out of the planned budget. Therefore, my only instinct was to try and talk the owner down in a manner in which we ALL would leave satisfied about the deal.
Outside of event planning, however, many people find themselves in this predicament at their place of employment. Each year, annual performance reviews are conducted and one-on-one discussions with your boss ensues. Nine times out of ten, if you can justify how stellar your work performance is, your manager or supervisor may entertain the talk regarding a promotion. The thing here is that most of the time…you won’t get it. Unfortunately, “budget cutback” is primarily the reason why the company can not offer you a promotion. As you sit around noticing others in the department “moving on up”, you realize the budget cut excuse was merely just something to say. But on the flip side, if you have the innate ability to get what you want, then you are probably a good negotiator.
For those who may lack the inner hustle to get things they want out of life, I’ve listed a few strategies (or tips) that you can implement into your “gift of gab” in order to be on your way to living a happier life.
1. Be Prepared: Get Your Ducks in A Row
The most embarrassing part of negotiating is simply NOT having your stuff together. You have to be ready for the unexpected. Be ready to battle the fast talker. In order to do this, assess other businesses in the area. Compare the rates to rent the venue. Know how many you expect at the party, how long it will last, if off-duty security will be needed, etc. These are some of the things you need to know before the negotiation meeting. For people asking for a promotion, draft a spreadsheet outlining your accomplishments. If possible, do a comparison of jobs (similar to yours and in the same industry) to show how much lower you make according to industry standards. The more ammunition you are strapped with the better off you will be at justifying why you deserve the promotion.
2. Be Confident
Being timid only hinders the situation. Confident people are likely to achieve success because they are not afraid to charge at problems head on. Therefore, your best bet is to leave the shyness outside the door. Contact a mentor or individual you highly respect and ask for some advice and/or brief pep talk. This may help you build up the courage to go fight for what you want.
3. Name Your Price…and Don’t Change It
When in a negotiation meeting, the tables can turn so fast you wouldn’t know what hit you. Therefore you must always have your ideal price or salary in mind. Always know (in your head) what you are willing to settle for. So, the key is to start high when asking for an increase in salary, for instance. If you currently make $50,000 a year, but is shooting for at least a $5,000 to $8,000 raise, go in asking for $60,000. Remember, if you ask for $60K you must be able to back it up. If your boss does make it happen for you, you will more than likely end up at the middle mark at $55,000. Although, this is not what you truly wanted, it is good enough and will now allow you to take that international vacation you’ve always wanted.
4. Stay Professional
If you go in on some real boss ish, you must leave on some boss ish. The other person will only respect you for it in the long run. Don’t show your emotion if you get what you want or not. Stay straight-faced. Negotiators are straight-laced, to the point, and professional. They set a target, prepare their “spill”, and go in and get it. If you want to be respected for being able to handle your business, keep it professional.
All of these strategies can help you achieve everything you want out of life. We as people tend to allow others hold them back for various reasons. Although nothing in this life is free, all things that costs can be negotiated. It all depends on you and what you really want to achieve. You have the power to make things happened. Now, go out and create this life of happiness you’ve longed for.