I really like Allen Iverson. Heck, I even saw him recently at a local Atlanta strip club. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world…throwing dollars and popping bottles. A friend of mine even passed him my business card. Although I know he may have tossed it, if him and I could sit down and chat, I think he would be my best interview yet. But until then, I have to write about him based off on news reports. Case in point, this news regarding his outstanding child support payments. It looks like A.I. may be headed to jail soon.
According to TMZ, his ex-wife Tawanna claims that Iverson has yet paid up on his ordered judgment. Back in January, the judge ordered the ex-NBA star to pay $8,000 per month for each of his five kids. Tawanna claims that Iverson has missed every payment thus far. So, the two are scheduled back in court this week. If the once multi-million dollar basketball star does not cough up $40,000 in court, he will most likely be escorted straight to jail.
SMH…I really do pray that Iverson get his sh*t together. Here in Atlanta, I guess it’s safe to say that he lives a somewhat low-key life. But, he parties a lot. Partying isn’t doing anything but making him lose track of what his true priorities are. I hope he doesn’t end up a real tragedy. Even it is playing ball overseas, I believe “one of the greatest of all time” can make a full transformation and become a better parent to his kids.
What are your opinions about Allen Iverson? What could be the deep rooted issue as to why he has so many financial issues?