In case you are an athlete and need some additional help with excersises and technique, Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade has a new app to get you started. The new app called “Dwyane Wade Driven” provides customized training programs and videos to downloaders. The app went on sale Monday. The same day Wade and his teammates celebrated their victory over the San Antonio Spurs by parading the downtown streets of Miami.
“It shows people ways to work out, a lot of different ways to work out, whether it’s basketball drills or not,” Wade told The Associated Press. “A lot of people work out at home. A lot of people don’t have access to a gym. A lot of people don’t have trainers. So it’s kind of like I’m the personal trainer for basketball and fitness, and I’ll show them a lot of things I do with my body and for my body.”
The app cost $3.99 and includes basketball drills, fitness routines, and charts to track your progress.