This bit of news really isn’t of no surprise. Both Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are a little over-the-top and they can afford to be. So…
According to the NY Post and The Sun, the newly parents are in the process of building a massive estate in Los Angeles and are now purchasing items to furnish it. Since we all know Kanye to be the artsy one, some of the items they’ve bought thus far doesn’t seem so far fetched. It’s just the amount of money it costs to buy them is what is a bit outlandish.
So far, the happy couple have made it rain on items like gold plated toilets ($750,000) and a decked out state-of-the-art Electrolux kitchen with a refrigerator freezer encrusted with Swarvoski crystals (totaling $660,000). Hey, the both of them want to become “legendary”. So, why not have their home reflects grandeur, artistic expression, and fantasy. To each is own.
Additional items they have allegedly purchased are also six special edition beds from London’s Savoy Hotel (totaling $150,000 a piece).