Youtube founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen have created a new app that allows users to create videos from their iOS. And…how does it differ from the other DIY video apps? Well, according to Fortune…
MixBit joins contenders like Vine and Instagram, the latter of which branched out into video this June, which are vying for a chunk of users’ ever-increasing mobile time. But where Vine and Instagram only allow a maximum of six- and 15-second clips respectively, MixBit lets users capture up to 16 seconds and stitch those snippets together into a larger video project over one-hour long — or a maximum of 256 clips. They can then share the final result on Facebook (FB), Twitter, Google (GOOG) Plus, or the Mixbit Web site, also launching this week.
But where MixBit tries to one-up its competition is in its ability to let users edit and collaborate with other users on content. Vine for instance, is so simple it offers no editing tools, while Instagram’s remain more basic. In comparison, MixBit members may crop, duplicate, import photos and outside clips not even taken with the app. (Indeed, they don’t have to record any original clips at all and instead create projects with clips from other Mixbit members.)
The iOS version will be launched first then Andriod will follow.
Do you think MixBit will be the a hit amongst techies??