Last week, we reported [here] that Real Housewives of New Jersey stars Joe Guidice and his wife Teresa were facing some serious jail time. After being accused of over 30 counts of bank fraud, forgery, and other white-collar crimes, the couple faces up to 50 years in prison. However, the NY Post is now reporting that Teresa Guidice is refusing to do any time behind bars. Sources close to the couple states that she is 100% sure that her husband will “take the fall” and be willing to due any amount of time given to him.
Now, this poses a question. If a woman participated in a crime, does she have the right to think her husband/boyfriend will take the “L”? Remember the T.I. and Tiny situation in Los Angeles?? The Kang and Queen of the South were both arrested. But, it was the Atlanta rapper that ended up taking all the blame for the incident. As a wife, it is upstanding if your husband protects you and your family at all costs. When children are involved, it is very necessary for the mother remain at the home to take care for them. As a noble man, most husbands will take the fall no matter how long the sentence is.
What do you think? Men, would automatically take the fall?