Do people normally issue a tip on take-out orders? Honestly, I’ve only tipped on a take-out maybe one or two times. #dontjudgeme Should anybody be crucified for it though? Apparently, some believe people like me should.
Well, Drew Brees caught lots of flack today regarding a small tip he left for a take-out order in San Diego. The incident received nationwide attention when someone (possibly a waiter) tweeted a picture of the receipt. The football star ordered some food which totaled $74 and only left $3 as a tip. Critics argued that Brees should have left a 20% tip regardless of if he was dining in or taking out. But, Brees beg to differ.
He told the Associated Press that he was disappointed that the news outlet that initially reported it, switched it up to make it seem as if he was cheap and purposely stiffed the waiter/waitress.
With a $100 million contract with the New Orleans Saints, Brees has more than enough money to tip any amount he wants. He says that he frequents that restaurant a lot and oftentimes leave 20% tips and pose for pictures with the staff. So, although the receipt was made public and some folks labeled him as cheap, Brees has been able to still find humor in the situation.
He said he’ll be happy if his takeout tip turns out to be the biggest controversy he has to discuss all season.
Sometimes we as news outlets can make something out of nothing. We should leave the man alone and let him tip how he wants. Sheesh!