Over the weekend, Sybrina Fulton, the mother of murdered teenager Trayvon Martin, visited the Big Apple to speak against the continuation of racial profiling. Fulton spoke on NBC’s “Meet The Press” and aired out her frustrations regarding police and civilians having the right to stop someone based on their race.
“You can’t give people the authority, whether civilian or police officers the right to just stop somebody because of the color of their skin,” Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
The city of New York is currently battling this situation amongst their police and local citizens. According to statistics pulled by the Associated Press, during a ten year span, the city of New York has stopped and questioned over 5 million people. Out of those 5 million people, 87% of them have been either Black or Hispanic. 10% of those stopped, end up being arrested. The NYPD claims says most of those arrest were warranted because of weapons found on the suspects. This is why the NY Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly doesn’t agree with Ms. Fulton and other critics who are fighting to end the use of “stop and frisk”.
In the past week, a judge ruled that “stop and frisk” was a form of racial discrimination. However, the City of New York disagrees and is now planning an appeal. Their justification is that more violent crimes will ensue if some form of profiling cease to exist.
Do you think “stop-frisk” should be banned throughout the U.S.? Let’s start the discussion and tell us what you think.