Michael Martin is from the old school ideology of believing in dreams coming true. A true expert in personal photography and model portfolio design, Michael is a true leader among his generation. Michael has the undying drive and dedicated heart that puts his creativity in a very unique place. He would be best described as a photographer after his clients heart and all of that shows in his work.
How long have you been a photographer for and when did you realize you wanted to become a photographer?
This makes my 18th year doing it shooting for people and all . But I’ve been a photographer all my life. I was shooting one full year after my mother was killed and it has been my medicine every since .
How do you get great picture quality and is much editing required?
To much is given much is received. Great quality comes at an even greater price. More than much editing is almost always required. These days everything is digital so you have a chance to fix it and make better right then and there. So yes editing is a large part of the photography process these days .
Any advice you would give aspiring photographers and what type of classes are needed to become a photographer?
My only advice is to shoot what you love. Classes only teach you how to hold a camera. Your passion teaches you the art.
What are the biggest challenges you face on a daily basis being a photographer?
Well I would have to say that for me that would be trying to be seen and get the work that you know you’re worth getting. Photography has become so saturated. To where everyone who’s anyone is now clamming to be a photographer. So that challenge is to keep trying to remain and be different.
What is your favorite photograph and why?
My Favorite photograph is one of many. But one that reaches out to me and touches my heart the most is the one that sits in my living room a image of me and my mother , brother and sister a few years before she passed. I was 7 when she was killed and I get to see her everyday even when I know she’s not here. So in all truth that is my favorite image I have ever had owned, and seen, because even though my mother has went it . That image allows me to see her ever day..
Here are a few samples of Michael Martin’s work:
You can follow Martin’s website link, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at:
http://vimeo.com/24081827 (the one thing I love to share)
https://www.facebook.com/MrFirstImpression (personal page)
Interview submitted by Abner Jackson III, Content Writer for STACKS Magazine.