Despite the rise in the economy, some people in the black community have not benefited from it much at all. In July 2013, the unemployment rate was nearly twice that of whites according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Black women are being hit harder and finding it more of a challenge to find a good paying job with livable wages and family supporting benefits.
Seventy-five percent of the 200,000 new jobs being produced in the U.S. are part-time jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reported, that in June 2013, 12 percent of Black women ages 20 and older were unemployed but heavy in the job market. The ranks of Black men have shown improvement in obtaining employment in professional jobs such as the business, education and healthcare sector. Due to the increase of people in search for employment, jobs that normally required HS diplomas are now requiring college degrees and vetting more than ever.
Photo credit: Huffington Post
Article submitted by Dameon Daniels, Content Writer for STACKS Magazine.