To start, this is not a post to bash Chris Brown. This is merely an opinion on why his career may soon see its demise.
Over the weekend in D.C., Chris Brown was arrested for allegedly assaulting a man outside of a Washington hotel. The victim was admitted to a nearby hospital and treated for several injuries. Authorities have not released the details of the injuries or his name. But, reports say the assault occurred during a fight that broke out in the midst of Howard Homecoming weekend festivities. Brown was in town to perform at a local club. The school says it was not affiliated with the club party that Brown was to appear.
This arrest is the latest addition to Brown’s list of legal troubles. What is the problem though? Where was the security team that is supposed to protect and prevent him from getting into any altercations? Does Chris still deal with anger management issues? These are a host of questions that a lot of people are pondering. But, the question I keep asking myself is “what is his team doing to prevent situations like this?”
It is clear that Brown deals with his own personal issues. And yes, he is human and chooses to handle situations the way he sees fit. But, at some point, the label or management should be held to some level of accountability. I mean, they are making money off the singer…right?!!
Brown is still on probation from Rihanna’s ordeal. So, those who are apart of his entourage is supposed to take extra strides in making sure he doesn’t get in any trouble. Where were these people when the D.C. fight broke out? Why didn’t his security team step in and do their job?
Only those who were present (and the police) knows what really happened. But, regardless, why was Chris Brown one of the ones to be arrested? He has the most the lose out of anyone. As a “team”, you never supposed to let your star player fall from grace. He’s the money maker. He feeds all of them. Only a hater or jealous team member would set their leader up for failure. IJS…
Hey Chris Brown! You need to reevaluate who is on your team. It is looking like they’re trying to knock you out the game and…UOENO it!