A 33-year old Los Angeles man took his infatuation with pop-star Justin Bieber a little too serious. According to reports, Toby Sheldon set out on this journey in hopes of regaining his youthfulness. Sheldon first began his transformation with hair-thinning transplants, which costs $8,000. The total hair transplant procedure cost him $21,000 after three sessions. Ultimately, Sheldon had his hair line lowered.
The songwriter also spent $5,000 on eyelid surgery. His most recent procedure affected the mouth area – a three part smile surgery. In total, Sheldon has spent over $100,000 in surgeries and says more will occur. Other procedures such as jaw reduction and a nose job will be done in order for Sheldon to achieve Bieber’s boyish looks.
Sheldon claims that he is not the biggest Bieber fan, as many may speculate for undergoing such an expensive route to look the pop star. However, he sites his phobia with getting old and looking it as the main reason behind the surgeries.
Really dude?!! SMH…some people have nothing better else to do with their money. And he doesn’t even look like Justin Bieber after the surgery, not even remotely.