Definition of Ratchet in the Urban Dictionary: A hot mess
GSU Dorm Room Robbery’s…
Teen Robbery suspects at Georgia State University arrested. Wednesday evening, after 7pm, GSU police where contacted by students for a string of robbery’s. Several students reported that their dorm rooms had been robbed and some held at gunpoint by 3 armed black men stated by authorities. The suspects were identified as Quinton Arnold age 18, Dantevious Devall Patrick age 18, and Dorian Demetrius Stroud age 19. One of the students that had been robbed recognized Arnold because he is a current student at GSU. Mother of Stroud noticed her son after seeing the robbery being televised on the news and turned him into the GSU police.
I just don’t understand. I can’t rap my head around why would you rob people at gun point without a mask and you live in the same area. I think students should start taking “common sense” entrance test or take a common sense class because that was by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.
Radio Host/Pastor is boycotting Girl Scout Cookies…
Colorado Radio Host and Pastor says Girls Scouts are promoting Lesbianism! Pastor Kevin Swanson reported to the RightWingWatch that he has a strong belief value and they don’t align with that of the Girl Scouts. He also reported that he doesn’t support abortion or Planned Parenthood, and unlike the boy scouts the Girl Scouts accepts gay members. The Girl Scouts mission statement states, “We recognize the basic human rights of all people, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.”
Whatever your beliefs are it’s OK, but don’t mess with the Girl Scouts.People depend on those cookies and I for one don’t care what they do as long I get my box of Shortbread. First they want to shut down the government for ObamaCare now their messing with the Girl Scouts. What’s Next!
Former American Idol Host with Bad Feet….
Steven Tyler caught in public with open toes. Steven Tyler, popular music artist and former American Idol host, was spotted in Hollywood with friend showing off some very interesting feet.
Although the toes had a nice pedicure with a royal polish they still managed to hang over his scandals, excuse me sandals. I know being a celebrity comes with its advantages but damn that’s just some sick stuff. How could someone with so much money have feet that look like that and have the nerve to wear sandals. And the world was disappointed with Miley for twerking. Choose your battles people.
This week the “Really Award” goes to the GSU dorm room robbers. Without a shadow of a doubt, crime just doesn’t pay especially in this case. I’m sure there are several reasons I can prove this was the dumbest crime ever. Instead, we want our readers to write in and tell us what you think!
Submitted by Dameon Daniels, Content Writer for STACKS Magazine.