Each week Stacks Mag will bring our readers “The Rachet Report”. We will highlight hot topics that have made headline news that make us say “Really?”. We will choose one report to receive the “Really Award” for the most down right rachet thing we have ever heard of. So, sit back and enjoy as we bring to you “The Rachet Report” !
Definition of Ratchett in the Urban Dictionary: A hot mess
O.J. Simpson Steals Cookies in Jail
O.J. Simpson is back in the News…. O.J. Simpson has been in the news a lot frequently since being acquitted of the 1994 double murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown-Simpson and friend Ronald Goldman. O.J. was later arrested and convicted of the 2008 felony armed robbery and kidnapping charges and sentenced to 33 years. Fox News radio reported that O.J. was allegedly caught stealing cookies from Lovelock Correctional Center in Pershing County where is serving his full sentence. Simpson confessed after a guard confronted him after noticing he was hiding something under his prison clothes.
Why, why, why, O.J?!! Is it not enough that you will be serving the remainder of your life behind bars but to add a petty cookie theft is just plain dumb….
Raised Credit Interest Rates and No Jobs
Credit card rates may go up real soon. The Government shut down has caused a rippling effect to the public from federal agency employees being out of employment to tight stipulations on Credit cards holders. Apparently the Treasury is scheduled to ask investors for $120 billion in loans in the next two weeks. Investors aren’t so sure that (do to the economy) that the government will be able to pay back the loan. So, the American people may pay the price. Investors raised interest rates that affected the economy in 95-96 lasted 28 days.
The government is being so selfish and ignorant to try to prove a point by having a pissing match. Children are suffering and families are out of work trying to figure out how they plan to survive until the government decides to wake up and serve the country properly with…ethics.
Delta Flight Child Slapper Makes Plea
Feb 8th baby slapper pleads guilty to simple assault…. Joe Rickey Hundley slapped a 19-month year old baby boy after making a racial slur on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta airport. Based on statements from the FBI investigation, Hundley was reportedly not happy about the child on the plane and inquired about the child lap policy. The mother of the child moved to another part of the plane but as it was preparing to land, she moved back to her original seat. As the plane landed, the baby began to cry and Hundley called the child the (N)word twice after being confronted by the parent. Hundley has recently pleaded guilty for an simple assault charge.
So we all know that no matter how people try to sweep the topic under the rug but racism is still real. But regardless of anything, any adult that slaps an innocent child should be tied up and slapped repeatedly and then put in an empty jail cell without any human contact for 6 months. But that’s just my opinion….
For the first time ever, this weeks “Really Award” is a tie between the racist baby slapper Joe Rickey Hundley for just being a “jerk” and The Government for just being a “jerk”. Congratulations “Jerks” I’m done…
Submitted by Dameon Daniels, Content Writer for STACKS Magazine.