Definition of Ratchett in the Urban Dictionary: A hot mess
Stay away or you will pay Simon Cowell….
Simon Cowell is on the other end of the judging panel. Former American Idol judge now X-Factor judge and pregnant girlfriend Lauren Silverman can finally live their lives but possibly at a high cost. Divorce settlements between the mother of Simon Cowell’s pregnant girlfriend and her ex-husband Andrew Silverman are all settled but the clauses are definitely something nobody saw coming. Lauren will be paid 3k a month in child support however her 7 year-old son cannot be around Cowell until 2015. If Lauren violates the clause she can be find a $50,000 penalty. The settlement also states that the son of Lauren and ex-husband Andrew can only refer to his biological parents as “mother or father”.
I guess Simon won’t get the last word this time but he’s cool because he got the girl!
Alec Baldwin on the defense about alleged anti-gay slur….
Academy Award winner Alec Baldwin from movies such as Beetlejuice, The Departed and The Hunt for Red October was filmed in New York threatening a reporter and using anti-gay words. TMZ released a video of the actor allegedly calling a reporter a “c^^ksucking F@#”. Baldwin later went on Twitter denying all allegations and even threatened to sue TMZ for releasing the video and suggesting that he even used those words. Baldwin went on record stating that he did not use the word “F@#” instead he used the word “Fathead”. This is not the first time Baldwin has been in the news for his outburst back in 2011 he was thrown off an airplane for refusing to turn off his phone while playing Words with Friends.
Being in the public eye you have to be careful because you are always being watched and Baldwin has been in the industry long enough to know better. On the other hand, I totally agree wanting to finish his game of Words with Friends, that game is as addictive as Candy Crush.
CNN reporter Wolf Blitzer speaks out about Obamacare….
Blitzer sounds off about Obamacare and its recipients. CNN reporter since 1990 Wolf Blitzer has hosted shows such as “The Situation Room”, “CNN Newsroom” and previously “Wolf Blitzer Reports”. Apparently, Blitzer made a comment earlier today calling those who can’t afford to pay for health insurance “freeloaders”. Earlier in October, Blitzer made a statement on CNN about glitches in the healthcare websites stating, “They had three years to get this ready. If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice Republicans are giving them, delay it for a year, get it ready and make sure it works.”
It’s amazing to see how the television people we support and grow to love for what we see on TV truly feel about their supporters. I know we all have freedom of speech but we should also hold people accountable and take a stand against those that frown others.
This week the “Really Award” goes to the Alec Baldwin. Alec has been in and out of the news for his crazy outburst for years for his racist or anti-gay slurs. You would think he would have learned to either: 1) be careful of what you say or 2) own your comments. There’s only but so much damage control.
Submitted by Dameon Daniels, Content Writer for STACKS Magazine.