Kim Jung Un, the notorious leader of the North Korean government, is speculated to have ordered the murders of its local citizens. The reason for these horrific deaths, however, is surprising and simply unjustifiable.
According to news reports, several group executions were carried out in various cities within North Korea. The group executions were done publicly and is believed to have been the last known whereabouts for close to 100 people. The North Korean are strict when it comes to what citizens can do in their everyday lives. One thing that is not allowed is the viewing of South Korean television shows. South Korean TV shows are popular in North Korea and are oftentimes smuggled on DVDs and flash drives.
Noth Korea believes television shows promotes opposing rhetoric and could potentially change the mindsets of its people. Therefore, South Korean shows are banned in the entire country. Individuals caught watching or storing these shows will be and have been put to death. In early November, witnesses in Wonsan, North Korea, said 10,000 people were packed in a sports stadium to watch the execution of 8 people.
SMH…this is so sad. And the U.S. wonders why we have so many foreigners to migrate here. It is undeniably dreadful to live in other countries.