Tumblr, the blogging site that attracts an eclectic group of 35 and Unders, was recently purchased by Yahoo for a cool $1.1 billion. The attraction to the site was due to its hip and wildly witty demographic. Of the 170 million Tumblr users, half of them are under 35 years of age. On any given day, you are liable to see the quirkiest of comments, humorous posts, and even some risky images. These are just a fraction of what attracts certain people to the site. This internet hub has become one of the hippest of social media sites.
With all big acquisitions, the ability for the company to make money is what lingers in the balance. So of course, Yahoo is now pressuring Tumblr to sell more ads. As part of Tumblr’s “Year End Roundup” event, Yahoo will highlight the best ads that appeared on the site in 2013.
On HTTP://YEARINREVIEW.TUMBLR.COM, there will be an exploration of 20 categories ranging from the most popular musical groups to the most interesting architecture of 2013. Boasting a plethora of images, the review will continue through December with daily posts spanning 40 more categories that will culminate on New Year’s Eve with the best fireworks displays featured on Tumblr during the year. – AP