If you’ve been frequenting this site to read my posts, by now, you should know that I’m a big fan of Tony Robbins. His ability to clearly interpret how the spiritual being connects to everyday life circumstances is extraordinary. Robbins has a uncanny way of helping you gain clarity about your life and use it to fuel your desires. One topic in particular is how to use your health to create your identity.
Many of use never reach our peak performance because of our health issues. The lack of vitality and energy can negatively affect how we go and take action. A good diet and frequent trips to the gym can jump start that willingness to live the best life you can. So, as people, we need to associate the two (health and identity) and understand you can’t have one without the other.
In order to commit to mastering your physical health, Robbins suggests that we create a four-part strategy. This includes:
1. Move! Get active for a minimum of 30 minutes, 3-5 times a week. To hit the right level of health-building exertion, you should be able to carry on a conversation while you move.
2. Find an activity you enjoy and look forward to: Tennis, basketball, walking with the love of your life, an aerobic class, walking the dog, etc. The key is to find something easy to get into the habit of doing, something that you’ll be able to make a part of who you are.
3. As always, build your base. Start small and build from there. Walk the dog one block today, two blocks tomorrow, and three blocks the next day. In other words, start from where you are and commit to challenging yourself to do a little more on a regular basis.
4. Get support. Find a buddy who’s succeeding and get active with him or her. Having a workout buddy – or even just a friend who shares your health goals – will help provide the support you need to make these new practices a part of your life.
The whole idea is to dig deeper in understanding who you are. If you want to make changes in your life, holistically, you have to go beyond the surface level. Creating personal enthusiasm and energy starts with how you treat your body. So, use 2014 to begin your physical transformation! And the four strategies above is a great way to get started.