Kenyon Dixon is a case of the background trying to come to the forefront. His career has been spent either playing as a background singer (Usher, Kimbra, Kelly Rowland, Faith Evans) or writing tracks (Tyrese, TGT, Ann Nesby). Now, he is working to bring his own promise and production to the table. There is always the case that he should “stay behind the scenes”. However, many others will feel that he should give it a shot. One can never know how success can happen if the effort is not put in.
After listening to The Higher Ground EP, it can be said that Kenyon Dixon can make his own music for himself and others.
The main thing that I can appreciate about Kenyon Dixon is that he isn’t trying to replicate Top 40 hits that you hear on the radio. As much synthesized production and warped vocals you may here, he is, at least, trying to find his own lane. “F.I.L.A (Fall In Love Again)” has him crooning about the leap of love while “Next Time” speeds up the bpm’s and drums for a smooth mix of production and lyrics. “All The Way” does just that when it comes to the lady of his choice. With Kenyon, you get R&B.
While there is a lot of promise shown on this EP, there is a problem: it is an EP. This means that there is little room for error. What he has is impressive enough for listening and great late night sessions. However, when he comes with a full length album, he will need to come with sure fire “hit making” for a longer time period. As good as Higher Ground is, he would need to replicate, and even evolve, his effort for at least another 5-6 songs.
What we end up with is a good EP from a good artist. Not wanting to be a in the background has sparked Dixon’s desire to be on the forefront. He can become a well-rounded artist (he practically is already). Now, all he has to do is create that album that fans and detractors cannot deny as a comprehensive piece of tireless effort. Then, and only then, will he reap the full benefits of his actions.
I hope he keeps up the good work.