Jon Cryer’s ex-wife Request More Child Support
An LA Judge denies claims from Sarah Trigger for an increase in child support…. We all know Jon Cryer as Alan Harper from the popular CBS sitcom “Two and a Half Men”. Jon Cryer played alongside Charlie Sheen who played the role of his brother, Charlie Harper, which has since been replaced by Ashton Kutcher. It was reported by TMZ that his ex-wife requested more money from the actor in child support. Sarah Trigger pleaded her case to a judge stating that she needed the additional money to be able to keep up with the wealthy kids her son went to school and associated with. She also made claims that she needed the money because her son was subject to humiliation from other kids because of his financial status not being able to purchase lavish things. Trigger later went on to tell the judge that Cryer made enough money from “Two and a Half Men” to increase her child support from (get this) $8,000 a month to $88,000 a month. The judge denied her request and demanded that Trigger cut back her spending habits.
Case Dismissed Sarah Trigger… You won’t be able to get rich this time around.
The $89,000 Snake Bite
NC man charged over $89,000 for a hospital visit… 54 year-old Eric Ferguson from Mooresville, NC was shocked when he received a hospital bill after being treated for a snake bite. According to the Charlotte Observer, Ferguson was rushed to Lake Norman Regional Center after being bit by a snake, while taking out his trash. Ferguson was reported to be in the hospital for 18 hours and had to be treated with a four-vial dose of medication. When Ferguson received the bill, he was very alarmed after reading the breakdown of charges that included an $81,000 charge for the four-vial anti-venom medication. After coming out of shock, Ferguson and his wife searched the web for the same medication that they found for as low as $750. Lucky Ferguson had insurance and his bill was reduced to $20,227 which he was only responsible for $5,400 for his deductible and co-pay.
That must have been one hell of a bite!
Bieber’s Miami DUI Saga New Developments
Justin Bieber pleads not guilty to charges in Miami court … New reports are surfacing on the Justin Bieber DUI case in Miami. In addition to the DUI charge, the teen star is also being charged with resisting arrest and driving on a suspended license. In court, Bieber pleaded not guilty to the charges and Florida police reports also show that his blood alcohol breath test was only a .14, which is under the legal limit. Bieber did admit to drinking one beer and smoking marijuana and taking prescription pills. There were also allegations that Bieber was drag racing and his father closed off streets for him to do so. Hollywood Life reported that there was a GPS tracker in the car from the company the car was rented from and Bieber was only reported going 20 mph. Bieber is still under fire however things may be looking more in his favor.
The “Bieber” that cried wolf was telling the truth after all…
This week “Really Award” goes to Sarah Trigger for trying to convince a judge to give her an additional $80,000 per month with such a weak case. She is basically exploiting (urban dictionary: pimping) her child for more than extra cash.
Photo Credit: MassAppealNews, KRMG, USNews