

Porsha Williams (formerly Stewart) new year is not starting off too well.  Seeing her life play out on Season 6 of “Real Housewives of Atlanta”, would make a woman second guess the whole reality show bit.  But, in her case, allegedly it is her only source of income. So, unfortunately she has no choice but to grin and bear it.


According to TMZ, Porsha Williams is facing financial hardships these days. Word is that she’s behind almost $18,000 in her condo’s home owner association fees. In her divorce settlement, she allegedly receives only $5,000 a month is spousal support. With her on-screen lavish lifestyle, it has to be hard to keep up with the joneses. On the show, for instance, she moved into a mini-mansion in Nene Leakes’ neighborhood knowing that she couldn’t afford it. But, Porsha insisted that this major move would force her to work hard and go hustle for that money. Realistically, how hard will a former stay-at-home/trophy wife work to make them coins? Not too hard.


In addition to being being on her HOA fees, TMZ learned that the condo association has filed a suit against her for the unpaid monies. They have requested that her bank accounts be frozen and her RHOA check be garnished until her debt is satisfied.


All I can say is…Porsha please get a financial advisor or account ASAP, if you do not have one. At this point, she needs assistance on how to properly manage the income she has coming in. If TMZ’s claim that she has moved back in with her mom is true, that’s a great move. It’s a very smart move. You don’t have to keep up the high-priced image for your fans and friends. If they love you, they will love you regardless of where you stay.